
Showing posts from July, 2019

Divorce Issues

Hi y'all, This week being the last week of classes and my motivational level being at a .5, I did not prepare well for class and so I don’t have a lot to share. I promise that I’m going to go back and read the materials after school gets out, but it’s just not going to happen today. Sigh. This week’s topic was Divorce, Remarriage, and Aging Families. First, some interesting points about divorce. I’ve always secretly hoped that a divorce between my parents would solve our problems. I knew in the back depths of my soul that that probably wasn’t true, but I still held onto the thought. What Brother Williams said in class this week confirmed my practical suspicions. A divorce is not the end of everything. There are still issues to be dealt with after the divorce, especially if the couple has children, as about 2/3 of those divorcing do, and those issues still suck to deal with just as much or more than they did before the divorce. In the case of Brother Williams, shortly aft


The Purpose of Parenting             I believe that the purpose of parenting is to help other people (i.e. children) reach their full potential and have the best experience possible in this life by teaching and giving them guidance and providing for their needs (including love and play needs). Parenting is also a way for the parent to learn and grow. Something that I have observed while studying this topic is that it takes a lot of maturity to parent properly. Parenting isn’t behaviorism (rewarding good behavior and punishing the bad in order to get the behavior we want), it’s teaching our children how to function successfully in the world that they live in. That takes a lot of patience, time, effective communication, and respect on the part of the parent. The Need for Parenting In 2019 sociologists are worried about “doormat,” or egalitarian, parenting. Parents don’t parent because they don’t want to be domineering or controlling, so they let the child make his/her own dec

Fathers Are Essential

            This week I have been instructed to write about fathers. My favorite topic. So favorite that I tend to walk out of Church meetings on Father’s Day because I can’t handle sitting there and listening to people talk about how great their dads were, when mine wasn’t. I was instructed to read a credible article of my choosing on the importance of fathers so that I could pick elements out of it to blog about. And when I did my I saw my life change before my eyes (which are tearing up now, by the way). I never knew, I was never able to comprehend, what fathers are supposed to do for their children. I would ask my roommates and they were never able to describe for me what I was looking for. ‘I don’t know,” they said, “just what dads do.”             “But what is that?!” I wanted to scream. “I don’t know....” It’s more than paying the bills, and threatening and demeaning...but what? What is it that makes people want to talk about their dads and not their God in Church on Fathe